May 20, 2014/Press Releases


Hartford, CT – Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy DiNardo today called on Tom Foley to publicly acknowledge his inaccuracies, retract his statements on Governor Malloy’s education record, and publicly recognize that the Governor increased funding for schools over the past four years. Over the weekend, Foley told the audience at his GOP acceptance speech that the Governor has “pulled back funding from schools.” Just the next day, he went on Face the State, where he told host Dennis House the same thing – that Governor Malloy “pulled back spending on schools.”

The reality, however, is that this administration has boosted spending for schools by $237 million, with most of that going to our neediest school districts.

However, in a statement yesterday, Foley seems to only have partially acknowledged that he indeed was wrong with his facts.

“Tom Foley needs to be held accountable for his lies – education funding has increased. When he won the endorsement of the GOP, he deliberately misled voters on the Governor’s education record. Then just a day after, he did it again. He’s hoping no one will notice his reckless lies – and now he needs to publicly acknowledge that he was wrong and that the Governor has increased funding for education. This is the same old, tired, failed Republican playbook, and Foley needs to be held accountable for his misleading words,” said Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy DiNardo. “It’s unacceptable for any campaign to use reckless promises and inaccurate facts and package all of it up and call it ‘change’. Tom Foley needs to publicly state that he was incorrect, that education funding has risen, and that schools have seen enormous progress under this administration.”


On Saturday, Foley Said Malloy “Has Pulled Back Funding From Schools”…

During His GOP Convention Speech, Foley Claimed Malloy “Has Pulled Back Funding From Schools.” “‘It isn’t fair if a child can’t go to a good school. … Dan Malloy has not created jobs in our cities, and he has pulled back funding from schools,’ Foley said.’” [Hartford Courant, 5/17/14]

On Sunday, Foley Said Malloy “Pulled Back Spending on Schools”…

On “Face The State” Foley Claimed Governor Malloy “Pulled Back Spending On Schools.” “’He hasn’t gotten control over spending. He’s pulled back spending on schools. We still have a very serious education challenge here in CT.” [Face the State, 5/18/14]

But, When Confronted With the Facts on Education Spending, Foley “Admits it Has Increased”

According To Foley, Education Spending As A Percentage Of The Overall Budget Hasn’t Grown As Quickly As Other Spending, But He Admits It Has Increased. “After being asked for further clarification about how he arrived at his conclusion, Foley said he’s looking beyond the raw numbers. According to Foley, education spending as a percentage of the overall budget hasn’t grown as quickly as other spending, but he admits it has increased.” [CT News Junkie, 05/20/14]

But What Foley Told House Was That Malloy Cut Education And Municipal Spending…Which Makes Foley’s Claim Malloy Is Cutting Spending On Education And Local Governments False.” “But what Foley told House was that Malloy cut education and municipal spending. However, that’s certainly not the case when it comes to the last four years. When talking about cuts in state government to specific line items, it means there is less money in that account than the year before, which makes Foley’s claim Malloy is cutting spending on education and local governments false.” [CT News Junkie, 05/20/14]

Indeed, Governor Malloy Has Increased Funding For Schools By $237 Million, With 92% Going To Schools That Need It Most

OPM: “Despite The Challenges Of A Slow Economy, The Governor Has Largely Maintained Funding For Grant Programs Benefitting Our Communities And Has Actually Increased Education Aid By $237 Million; Most Of It Targeted To Our Neediest School Districts.” [OPM, FY2015 Budget Introduction]
