September 18, 2014/Press Releases
Hartford, CT — Today, new reports were unearthed about Tom Foley’s past business dealings, this time at T.B. Wood’s Co. in Pennsylvania. As workers suffered — through a nearly three-year strike, personal bankruptcy, and broken marriages — Tom Foley personally walked away with $40 million.
At his availability today, his responses were shocking.
When asked if he knew how much he made, he said “No…”. When told he personally made nearly $40 million, he said “It’s possible, I don’t remember.”
$40 million. “It’s possible, I don’t remember.” Tom Foley can’t recall making almost $40 million?
Then, when asked whether making that much profit off the backs of suffering middle-class workers would undermine his ability to connect with Connecticut residents, he said “I don’t understand what this has to do with that.”
That’s right — Tom Foley doesn’t understand why making $40 million off the backs of hundreds of workers fighting for decent wages is relevant to residents of this state.
If that were not enough, when asked if he was involved with the day-to-day operations of the company, Tom Foley said, “Not really. I was the…owner of the company.”
And, even though he walked away with $40 million, he called his offered fifty cent raise “very generous”.
To watch the full availability, click here.
“Tom Foley can’t remember how many tens of millions he made off of workers fighting for fair wages? That is shocking. It’s to be expected from someone who is so out of touch with middle-class families, because after all, he’s ‘the owner,’” said Devon Puglia, Democratic Party spokesman. “This is a pattern with Tom Foley — with Bibb Co., Sprague and now T.B. Woods. Working families suffer, and Tom Foley makes tens of millions. Connecticut can’t trust Tom Foley to stand up for working families because he never has.”