February 8, 2017/Uncategorized


Hartford, Ct. – Connecticut Democratic Party Chairman Nick Balletto released the following statement in response to Governor Malloy’s biennial budget address:

“Today Governor Malloy introduced a responsible budget that makes tough choices and brings much-needed stability to state government. I’m an accountant. I understand the fiscal circumstances in which the state finds itself, and this proposal is another step in the right direction. I am confident that Democratic leaders are ready to be a part of the solution as this budget process begins. 

I hope Republicans will come to the table in good faith, but, judging from past actions, including their recent voting record on pension stabilization, that may be wishful thinking. No longer can we allow Republicans to cast blame as if they are bystanders when many of their leaders voted in the past to create the systemic problems that the Governor and the Democratic leaders are addressing today. As elected officials, we are hopeful that they share the burden of governing, not just seeking to score political points by avoiding leadership responsibilities.”