March 28, 2017/News
Where’s The Leadership? Republicans Play Politics With Transportation Lockbox
If Connecticut wants to compete in the 21st century economy, we need to invest in our transportation system. Democrats know that. Republicans often say it. But lost in reporting on last night’s transportation lockbox vote is that the legislation was unanimously opposed by GOP members of the Government Administration and Elections Committee.
This is a commonsense initiative supported by businesses and government advocates, yet Republican leaders Len Fasano and Themis Klarides – who have both spoken out in support of a constitutional lockbox – once again let politics get in the way of moving Connecticut forward.
“Once again, Republican legislative leaders are failing to lead their caucuses or their party. Rather than working with Democrats to make progress on an issue that they have long claimed to support and which would help make Connecticut more economically competitive, they are playing politics with critical issues and hoping we won’t notice. I understand that opposition comes naturally to Connecticut Republicans – just like Republicans in Washington – but real leaders find a way to put political rhetoric aside to find solutions even when it’s not their personal interest, just