July 31, 2017/Press Releases

CT Dems’ Statement On Adoption Of Historic SEBAC Deal

Hartford, Ct. – Connecticut Democratic Party Chairman Nick Balletto released the following statement.

“Ratification of this agreement is a positive step for Connecticut taxpayers in order to create a sustainable and predictable fiscal future. Despite spin from the Republican Party and out of state super PACs, it is a good and important deal. Thanks to Governor Malloy, state employees, and Democratic leaders and all legislators that stood up in both chambers, the state will save $1.57 billion over the next two years and $24 billion over the next decade. The agreement puts Connecticut on stronger fiscal footing, and it was achieved not by unilateral legislation, but through collective bargaining. I am proud that Democrats are willing to make hard choices and stand up for working people.

“Unfortunately, legislative Republicans have made a political calculation to offer nothing but obstruction and hyperbole. Rather than working for solutions, they spent this process misrepresenting the facts of the agreement and – once again – actively cheering against the success of the state they are elected to represent. That is no way to govern, and it’s harmful to our state. That’s not why voters sent them to Hartford, and I’m disappointed that the GOP has decided that scoring cheap political points is more important than the future of our state.

“Lets be very clear: despite their misleading rhetoric, this Republican obstruction was a clear indication that they cared more about their own politics instead of the best interests of our state and our hard working state employees who stepped up to be part of the solution.”