Absentee Balloting in Connecticut

Absentee Ballots can be used for the November 5, 2024 election.

You may APPLY for an absentee ballot now. The ballot will be mailed to you by your local town clerk.

If you do not wish to vote by Absentee Ballot, you can vote early this year. From October 21 to November 3, you can vote in person at a location in your city or town. Early voting locations are open from 10 am to 6 pm each day, and there are extended hours of 8 am to 8 pm on October 29 and October 31. If you prefer to vote on Election Day, polling places will be open on November 5. You may vote in person during regular voting hours on between 6 AM and 8 PM. Look up your Election Day polling place here.

To vote via Absentee Ballot:

Note: If your Town Hall is open, you may go to the Town Clerk’s office, and do all of these steps in-person to cast an absentee ballot before Election Day. Your Town Clerk will give you an application to fill out. The Clerk’s office will confirm your eligibility and hand you the ballot, which you can fill out right then, seal, sign, and return to the Clerk. It takes about 10 minutes, no mailing. You may also mail in your ballot or use the special Absentee Ballot drop box.

STEP 1: Get Your Ballot

You may request an absentee ballot by clicking here. Or, use these links  to download an application:

Absentee Ballot applications:
[Application in English]
[Application in Spanish; Aplicación en Español]
[List of Clerk addresses and contact info: Lista de direcciones

Fill out the application completely. Voters are allowed to vote absentee due to the presence of COVID-19 in their community,
even when the voter themselves is not personally sick. There is a box labeled “Sickness”

Mail the completed application to your Town Clerk (addresses are at the link above).

Step 2: Vote

Your Absentee Ballot will be mailed to you. When you get the Ballot, fill it out and return it.

Please remember to vote YES for the question to allow everyone to vote using an absentee ballot.  Connecticut is one of only 15 states that don’t provide every voter the option to vote ahead of time with a mail-in ballot.

The ballot comes with two envelopes: the inner envelope and the outer envelope.

Mark your ballot using a black pen.

Place the marked ballot into the INNER envelope. SIGN, DATE, and SEAL the inner envelope.

Place the inner envelope into the OUTER envelope (the mailing envelope), being sure that it’s addressed to you Town Clerk. Seal the outer envelope.

You may deliver a completed ballot to the Drop Box located outside your Town or City Hall. You may mail in your completed ballot, but please use the drop box if you can.

Please be sure:
✅ ONE Ballot per envelope
✅ SIGN, DATE, AND SEAL the inner envelope
✅ Make sure it ARRIVES at your Town Clerk by Election Day

We recommend using the Official Ballot Drop Box if you are able. The Drop Box should be outside your Town or City Hall. It looks like this:

Ballot Dropbox Photo Ballot Dropbox Photo

Make sure of the following to ensure your ballot is counted:

  • Put only one ballot per envelope
  • Make sure to sign and seal the inner envelope, and put your ballot in that envelope
  • Mark your ballot carefully – completely fill in the bubble next to your candidate’s name, and don’t make any extraneous marks or notes on the ballot
  • Keep your eye on the calendar and get that ballot in on time!

For more information see: https://portal.ct.gov/SOTS/Election-Services/Voter-Information/Absentee-Voting

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