
The CT Dems’ caucuses are a way to strengthen community engagement through advocacy, organizing and bringing awareness to policies and laws that impact the specific needs and issues surrounding each caucus community.

Caucuses conduct regular meetings, invite guest speakers, host social functions and develop strategies to effect change in CT. Caucuses are set to expand party membership and diversity while maintaining the principle that we win elections when we move forward together as one Democratic Party.

Take Action
[email protected]
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Black Caucus
[email protected]
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Disability Caucus
[email protected]
Take Action
Hispanic Caucus in partnership with the CHDC
[email protected]
Take Action
Immigrant Voters Caucus
[email protected]
Take Action
LGBTQ+ Caucus
[email protected]
Take Action
Muslim Caucus
[email protected]
Take Action
Small Towns Caucus
[email protected]
Take Action
Veterans Caucus
[email protected]
Take Action
Women's Caucus
[email protected]
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