It's not too late

Register To Vote On Election Day

Even if you’re not yet registered, you still have the opportunity to register to vote and cast your ballot on Election Day. Bring identification and proof of address to the locations listed at the link below. What works:

Option​ ​A:​​ ​A​ ​valid​ ​current​ ​driver’s​ ​license​ ​with​ ​your​ ​correct​ ​address.

Option​ ​B: Identification:​ ​Social​ ​security​ ​card​ ​OR​ ​birth​ ​certificate​ A​​ND Proof of address:​ ​Display​ ​of​ ​current​ ​address​ ​on​ ​a​ ​1)​ ​utility​ ​bill,​ ​2)​ ​paycheck,​ ​or​ ​3)​ ​government​ ​document. (If​ ​you​ ​get​ ​your​ ​bills/paycheck​ ​via​ ​email,​ ​you​ ​can​ ​show​ ​on​ ​your​ ​cell​ ​phone​ ​or​ ​electronic​ ​tablet.)

Option​ ​C: Identification: ​​Student​​ ID​​​ AND Address:​ ​Display​ ​current​ ​address​ ​on​ ​a​ ​dorm​ ​assignment,​ ​fee​ ​or​ ​registration​ ​statement,​ ​utility​ ​bill, paycheck,​ ​or​ ​government​ ​document.​ ​(Again,​ ​cell​ ​phone​ ​or​ ​tablet​ ​copies​ ​are​ ​acceptable).

Each town has at least one location designated for Election Day Registration, shown below. All information about election Day Registration is available at the Secretary of the State’s website.

Note: We will update this list when 2024 locations are finalized. Many will be the same as 2022.

Town2022 EDR Location2022 Additional Information
AndoverTown Office Building, 17 School Road, Andover, CT
AnsoniaCity Hall, Lower Level, 253 Main St., Ansonia, CT 06401
AshfordAshford Town Office Building, 5 Town Hall Road., Selectmen's Conference Room 304, Ashford, CT
AvonTown Hall, 60 West Main St., Building 1, Avon, CT
BarkhamstedTown Hall, 67 Ripley Hill Rd., Lower Level, Barkhamsted, CT
Beacon FallsBeacon Falls Town Hall, 10 Maple Ave., Beacon Falls, CTentry right out the ROV office
BerlinTown Hall, 240 Kensington Rd., Berlin, CT 06037
Bethany40 Peck Rd., Bethany, CT
BethelMunicipal Center, Meeting Room A, 1 School Street, Bethel, CT
Bethlehem36 Main St. South, Bethlehem, CT 06751
BloomfieldTown Hall, 1st Floor, 800 Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield, CT
BoltonNotch Road Municipal Building, ROV Office, 104 Notch Rd., Bolton, CT 06043
BozrahTown Hall, 1 River Rd., Bozrah, CT
BranfordBranford Community House, 46 Church Street, Branford, CT 06405
BridgeportMargaret E. Morton Government Center, 999 Broad St., Conference Room C, Bridgeport, CT 06604
BridgewaterHilltop Senior Center, 132 Hut Hill Rd., Bridgewater, CT 06752
BristolCity Hall WEST, 131 North Main Street, 2nd Floor, Bristol, CT
BrookfieldTown Hall, 100 Pocono Rd. Room 129, Brookfield, CT 06804
BrooklynTown Hall, 4 Wolf Den Rd., Brooklyn, CT 06234
BurlingtonTown Hall, 200 Speilman Highway, Burlington, CT 06013
Canaan (Falls Village)108 Main St., Falls Village, CT
CanterburyTown Hall, 1 Municipal Dr., Canterbury, CT 06331
CantonCanton High School, 76 Simonds Ave, Room 208, Canton, CT 06019
ChaplinTown Hall, ROV office, 495 Phoenixville Rd., (Route 198) Chaplin, CT 06235
CheshireTown Hall Lobby, 84 South Main St., Cheshre, CT
ChesterChester Town Hall, 203 Middlesex Ave., Chester, CT 06412
ClintonTown Hall, Downstairs lobby, 54 East Main St., Clinton, CT
ColchesterTown Hall, Town Clerks office, 127 Norwich Ave., Colchester, CT
ColebrookTown Hall, ROV Office, 1st Floor, 562 Colebrook Rd., Colebrook, CT 06021
ColumbiaYeomans Hall, 323 Route 87, Columbia, CT 06237
CornwallTown Hall, South Wing, 24 Pine Street, Cornwall, CT
CoventryLibrary/Media, 1700 Main Street, Coventry, CT
CromwellTown Hall, ROV Office, 41 West St., 2nd Flr. Cromwell, CT 06416
DanburyCity Hall, 155 Deer Hill Ave., Danbury, CT 06810
DarienTown Hall, Mather Center, 2 Renshaw Rd., Darien, CT
Deep River150 Main St., Deep River, CT
Derby1 Elizabeth St., 1st Floor, Derby, CT
DurhamCoginchaug Regional High School, Pickett Lane
East GranbyEast Granby Town Hall; 9 Center St, East Granby
East HaddamMunicipal Office Complex, Registrar's Office, Room 163, 1 Plains Road, Moodus,
East HamptonEast Hampton High School, 15 North Maple Road, East Hampton, CT 06424
East HartfordTown Hall, 740 Main St., East Hartford
East HavenTown Hall, 250 Main St., East Haven, CT
East Lyme37 Society Rd., Niantic, CT 06357
East WindsorTown Hall Annex, 25 School St., East Windsor, CT
EastfordTown Hall, ROV office, Lower Level, 16 Westford RD, Eastford, CT
EastonSamual Staples Elementary School, 515 Morehouse Rd, Easton
EllingtonTown Hall, Lower Level, 55 Main St., Ellington, CT
EnfieldEnfield Town Hall, Town Council Chambers, 820 Enfield St, Enfield
EssexTown Hall, 2nd Floor, 29 West Ave, Essex
FairfieldOld Town Hall, 611 Old Post Road, Fairfield, CT
FarmingtonLobby Level, Farmington Town Hall, 1 Montieth Dr, Farmington
FranklinTown Hall, Ben Franklin Room, 7 Meetinghouse Hill Road, Franklin, CT 06254
GlastonburyAll Purpose Room in Academy Building, 2143 Main Street
GoshenGoshen Town Hall, 42 North Street, Goshen, CT 06756
GranbyTown Hall, 15 North Granby Rd., Granby, CT [email protected]
Greenwich Town Hall, 101 Field Point Rd., Greenwich, CT
GriswoldTown Hall, Main Meeting Room, 28 Main St., Griswold, CT
GrotonROV, 61 Fort Hill Rd., Groton, CT 06340
GuilfordTown Hall, 31 Park Street, Guilford, CT
HaddamHaddam Firehouse, 439 Saybrook Rd., Higganum, CT 06441
HamdenHamden Middle School, 2623 Dixwell Ave., Hamden, CT
HamptonTown Hall, 164 Main St, Hampton
HartfordCity Hall, 550 Main St., Hartford
HartlandTown Hall, ROV Office, 22 South Rd, East Hartland**enter door at the front of the town hall nearest the main road
HarwintonTown Hall, 100 Bentley Dr., West Meeting Room, Harwinton, CT 06791
Hebron Hebron Elementary School- 92 Church St, Hebron, CT 06248
KentTown Hall, ROV Office, 41 Kent Green Blvd., 2nd Floor, Kent, CT 06757
KillinglyTown Hall, 172 Main St., Killingly, CT 06239
KillingworthTown Hall, 323 Route 81, Killingworth, CT
LebanonFire Safety Complex, 23 Goshen Hill Road, Lebanon, CT
LedyardTown Hall Annex, 741 Colonel Ledyard Highway, Ledyard, CT 06339Located behind main building for Town Hall
LisbonTown Hall, 1 Newent Rd., Lisbon, CT 06351
LitchfieldTown Hall, 74 West St, Basement, Litchfield, CT 06759
LymeTown Hall, 480 Hamburg Rd., Lyme, CT 06371
MadisonTown Hall,TC Room A, 8 Campus Drive, Madison, CT
ManchesterManchester Senior Citizens' Center, 549 Middle Turnpike East, Manchester, CT
MansfieldMansfield Town Hall, Council Chambers, 4 South Eagleville Rd., Storrs, CT 06268
MarlboroughTown Hall, Large Conference Room, 26 N. Main Street, Marlborough
MeridenCity Hall, 142 East Main St., Rm 36, Meriden, CT 06450
MiddleburyTown Hall, 1212 Whittemore Rd., Middlebury, CT 06762
MiddlefieldCommunity Center, Room 3, 405 Main St., Middlefield, CT 06455
MiddletownCity Hall Lobby, Information Desk, 245 DeKoven Drive, Middletown, CT
MilfordParsons Gov't Center, Gymnasium, 70 West River St, Milford, CT 06460Enter from the parking lot directly into the gym
MonroeTown Hall, 7 Fan Hill Rd., Monroe, CT 06468
MontvilleTown Hall, 310 Norwich-New London Tpke., Uncasville, CT 06382
MorrisMorris Town Hall, 3 East Street, Morris, CT
NaugatuckNkaugatuck Event Center, 6 Rubber Ave., Naugatuck, CT
New BritainCity Hall, 27 West Main St., 1st Floor, Room 108, New Britain, CT
New CanaanTown Hall, 77 Main St., First Floor, New Canaan, CT
New FairfieldTown Hall, 4 Brush Hill Rd., New Fairfield, CT
New HartfordTown Hall, Town Clerks Office, 1st Floor, 530 Main Street, New Hartford, CT
New HavenCity Hall, 165 Church St, New Haven, CT 06510
New LondonCity Hall, 181 State St., New London, CT 06320
New MilfordTown Hall, Lower Level, 10 Main St., New Milford, CT
NewingtonMortensen Community Ctr. 200 Garfield St, Newington CT
NewtownMunicipal Building, 3 Primrose St., Newtown, CT
NorfolkNorfolk Town Hall, Elections Office, 19 Maple Ave., Norfolk, CT
North BranfordTown Hall, Town Council Chambers, 909 Foxon Rd., North Branford, CT 06471
North CanaanTown Hall, 100 Pease St., North Canaan, CT
North HavenMemorial Town Hall, 18 Church St, First Fl Conference Room 3, North Haven
North StoningtonNorth Stonington Eduction Building, 298 Norwich Westerly Road
NorwalkCity Hall, Community Room, 125 East Ave., Norwalk, CT 06851
NorwichLower Level of 23 Union Street, Norwich, CT
Old LymeTown Hall, Mezzanine Level, 52 Lyme St., Old Lyme, CT 06371
Old SaybrookTown Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St.
OrangeTown Hall, 617 Orange Center Rd., Orange, CT 06477
OxfordS.B. Church Memorial Town Hall, 486 Oxford Road, Oxford, CT
Plainfield8 Community Ave., Plainfield, CT 06374
PlainvilleTown Hall, 1 Central Square, Plainville, CT 06062
PlymouthTown Hall,Community Room, 80 Main St., Terryville, CT
PomfretPomfret Town Hall, 5 Haven Rd., Pomfret Center, CT 06259
PortlandMiddle School at 93 High Street, Portland, CT 06480
PrestonTown Hall, Lower Level Conference Room Area, 389 Route 2, Preston, CT
ProspectTown Hall, 36 Center St., Prospect, CT
PutnamMunicipal Complex, Town Hall, 200 School Street, Putnam, CT 06260
ReddingRedding Community Center, 37 Lonetown Road in Card/Game Room, Redding, CT
RidgefieldTown Hall, ROV office, 400 Main St., Ridgefield, CT
Rocky HillTown Hall, 761 Old Main St., Rocky Hill, CT 06067
RoxburyTown Hall, Office of the Town Clerk, 29 North St., Roxbury, CT
SalemTown Hall, 270 Hartford Rd., Salem, CT 06420
SalisburyTown Hall, 27 Main St., Salisbury, CT
ScotlandScotland Volunteer Fire Department/Community Hall, 47 Brook Road, Scotland, CT
SeymourTown Hall, 1 First St., Seymour, CT 06483
SharonTown Hall, 63 Main St, Registrar's Office, Sharon, CT 06069
SheltonTown Hall, 54 Grove St., Shelton, CT
ShermanMallory Town Hall, 9 Rte 39 North, Sherman, CT 06784
SimsburySimsbury Fire Station, 871 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT
SomersTown Hall, Lower Conference Room B, 600 Main St, Somers, CT 06071
South WindsorTown Hall, Madden Room, 1540 Sullivan Ave, South Windsor
SouthburySouthbury Town Hall, Room 201, 501 Main St South, Southbury
SouthingtonTown Hall, Lower Level,75 Main St., Southington, CT 06489
SpragueTown Hall, 2nd Floor, 1 Main St., Baltic, CT 06330
StaffordWarren Memorial Town Hall,Veteran's Room, 1 Main St., Stafford, CT
StamfordGovernment Center, lobby, 88 Washington Blvd., Stamford, CT 06901
SterlingMunicipal Building, 1183 Plainfield Pike, Oneco, CT
StoningtonTown Hall, 152 Elm St., Stonington, CT
StratfordTown Hall, Basement, 2725 Main St., Stratford, CT 06615entrance is in the back of building
SuffieldTown Hall, 83 Mountain Road, 2nd Floor, Suffield, CT 06078
ThomastonThomaston Town Hall, 158 Main St., 4th Floor, Thomaston, CT 06787
ThompsonTown Hall, ROV Office, 815 Riverside Dr., North Grosvenordale, CT
TollandTolland Library (Town Hall Entrance), 21 Tolland Green, Tolland
TorringtonCity Hall, Room 224, 140 Main St., Torrington, CT 06790
TrumbullTown Hall, Town Council Chambers, 5866 Main St., Trumbull, CT
UnionTown Hall, Town Clerk's Office,1043 Buckley Hwy., Union, CT
VernonTown Hall, Room 117, 375 Hartford Tpke, Vernon, CT 06066
VoluntownTown Hall, 115 Main St., Voluntown, CT
WallingfordTown Hall, 45 S Main Street, first floor hallway in front of room 108 , Wallingford, CT
WarrenTown Hall, Upstairs, 50 Cemetery Rd., Warren, CT
WashingtonTown Hall, ROV Office, Lower Level, 2 Bryan Plaza, Washington Depot
WaterburyCity Hall, 235 Grand St., 1st Floor, Town Clerk's Office, Waterbury, CT
WaterfordTown Hall, 15 Rope Ferry Rd., Waterford, CT 06385
WatertownMunicipal Center, 61 Echo Lake Rd., Watertown, CT 06795
West HartfordTown Hall, Room 400, 50 South Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06107
West HavenCity Hall, 1st floor, 355 Main Street, West Haven, CT
WestbrookRegistrars Office 866 Boston Post Road
WestonWeston Middle School, 135 School Rd., Weston, CT 06883down hall, separate from the polling location
WestportTown Hall Auditorium, 110 Myrtle Ave., Westport, CT 06880
WethersfieldTown Hall, 505 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield
WillingtonTown Office Building, ROV Office, 40 Old Farms Rd., Willington, CT
WiltonTown Hall, Room B, 238 Danbury Rd., Wilton, CT 06897
WinchesterTown Hall, Room 203, 338 Main St., Winsted, CT 06098
WindhamWindham Town Hall, High Street Entrance, 979 Main St, Willimantic
WindsorTown Hall, Dr. Primus Room, Lower Level, 275 Broad St., Windsor CT
Windsor LocksWindsor Locks Town Hall, 50 Church St., Windsor Locks, CT 06096
WolcottTown Hall, 10 Kenea Ave., Wolcott, CT
WoodbridgeLibrary Meeting Room, 4 Meetinghouse Lane, Woodbridge, CT
WoodburyShove Building, 281 Main St. South, Woodbury, CTEnter door at the front of the town office building and enter conference room
WoodstockWoodstock Middle School, 147B CT-169, Woodstock, CT
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