August 14, 2014/Press Releases


Hartford, CT — Today, Tom Foley made the false claim that he supported raising Connecticut’s minimum wage to $10.10. Under Dan Malloy and Nancy Wyman, Connecticut was the first state in the nation to pass legislation raising the minimum wage to that level.

What Foley left out is clear: he did not support raising the minimum wage in Connecticut.

Trying to be all things to all people, he’s supported a federal minimum wage increase to $10.10 while simultaneously decrying Connecticut’s first-in-the-nation status. He can’t have it both ways, and the bottom line is this: he did not support the across the board increase passed under Dan Malloy.

“This is emblematic of the type of campaign Tom Foley has run,” said Devon Puglia, Democratic Party spokesman. “He’s been taking cheap shots from the cheap seats, and rooting against Connecticut’s progress. Now, he’s simply making utterly false claims trying to hedge on an issue he knows he’s on the wrong side of. The bottom line? He opposed the $10.10 minimum wage increase in Connecticut that could impact as many as 227,000 of Connecticut’s workers.”


Tom Foley “I Think We Need To Be Careful About Having A Minimum Wage In Connecticut That’s Higher Than Other States, Because That Drives Jobs Out Of The State.” “’I think we need to be careful about having a minimum wage in Connecticut that’s higher than other states, because that drives jobs out of the state,’ Foley said. Foley suggested there was no serious plan to raise the state minimum, saying, ‘I don’t think anybody’s proposing that.’ He seemed unaware that a state legislative committee had approved and sent a $10.10 minimum wage bill to the Senate floor on Tuesday, the day before Obama’s visit here promoting a higher federal minimum. With the support of Malloy and legislative leaders, it is expected to pass.” [CT Mirror, 03/07/14]

Foley: Seemed Unaware That A State Legislative Committee Had Approved And Sent A $10.10 Minimum Wage Bill To The Senate Floor On Tuesday. “Foley suggested there was no serious plan to raise the state minimum, saying, ‘I don’t think anybody’s proposing that.’ He seemed unaware that a state legislative committee had approved and sent a $10.10 minimum wage bill to the Senate floor on Tuesday, the day before Obama’s visit here promoting a higher federal minimum. With the support of Malloy and legislative leaders, it is expected to pass.” [CT Mirror, 03/07/14]

In An Interview With The Mirror, Foley said a Connecticut Minimum Wage increase could drive jobs out of Connecticut. “In an interview with The Mirror, Foley clarified that his preference for Congress to set a uniform standard does not mean he opposes raising the state minimum. ‘I support a $10.10 minimum wage for certain jobs,” Foley said. ‘I would support that in Connecticut, too, but you have to be careful about this, because people complain already that our current minimum wage, because it’s higher than the national one, it’s driving jobs away.’” [CT Mirror, 03/07/14]

Foley Said He Was Not Ready To Define A Standard For Exempting Jobs From The State Or Federal Minimum, But He Opposes An Across-The-Board Raise. “Foley said he was not ready to define a standard for exempting jobs from the state or federal minimum, but he opposes an across-the-board raise. ‘If I was governor, I’d be encouraging the legislature to have a multi-tier state minimum wage that offered a minimum wage in that range to people who are working for large corporations, who can afford it,’ Foley said. He offered no definition of large corporation or an affordability standard. Without saying how, Foley said he also would like a minimum wage increase narrowed so that it goes to workers who ‘have to support families on that, and who aren’t going to lose their jobs as a result.’” [CT Mirror, 03/07/14]
