July 10, 2017/News

Every Regional GOP Governor Opposes Trumpcare. Still Nothing From Connecticut Republican Candidates.

Recognizing that the bill would be an utter disaster for their states, every GOP governor in New England opposes the Senate version of Trumpcare. Governors Charlie Baker (R-MA), Chris Sununu (R-NH), Phil Scott (R-VT), and even Paul Lepage (R-ME) have all come out against the bill. As Senate Republicans continue a push to repeal the Affordable Care Act, however, the voices of Connecticut’s Republican gubernatorial candidates remain conspicuously absent from the conversation.

Here’s where Connecticut’s GOP gubernatorial candidates stand:

Candidate Position
Mark Boughton Refuses to answer
Tim Herbst Refuses to answer
David Walker Refuses to answer
Peter Lumaj Refuses to answer
Steve Obsitnik Refuses to answer
Toni Boucher Refuses to answer
Mark Lauretti Refuses to answer
Prasad Srinivasan Opposed
Joe Visconti Opposed

Here’s why it matters to the next governor:

“The Senate health care repeal bill will hurt Connecticut, and the next governor will have to contend with its consequences. Every Democrat running for governor or exploring a run for statewide office is opposed to the bill and committed to protecting the care of as many Connecticut residents as possible. Every Republican governor in New England is opposed to the bill. But none of the top Republicans running in this state will take a stand. That’s unconscionable. The voters of Connecticut deserve to know exactly where gubernatorial candidates stand on this disastrous bill. It’s time for answers, not silence from Mark Boughton, Tim Herbst, David Walker, Peter Lumaj, Steve Obsitnik, Toni Boucher, and Mark Lauretti.” – Connecticut Democratic Party Executive Director Michael Mandell