September 13, 2017/Health Care, Press Releases

New GOP repeal bill would devastate CT families

Hartford, Ct. – Like their previous Affordable Care Act repeal attempts, the Cassidy-Graham-Heller-Johnson bill would sabotage our health care system, gut Medicaid, increase costs, and strip health care away from millions of Americans. Once again, Republicans in Congress are ignoring the millions of Americans who pressured them into dropping their last health care repeal effort, and, once again, Connecticut Republicans are hoping no one will notice. While Republicans are pushing a bill to take health care away from working families, Democrats are working together to expand coverage for all Americans.

“Democrats believe health care is a right, not a privilege. And make no mistake, Connecticut residents will suffer under this new iteration of Trumpcare,” said Connecticut Democratic Party Chairman Nick Balletto. “This harmful bill will end Medicaid as we know it, cancel tax credits that help families afford health insurance, and eliminate subsidies that reduce out-of-pocket costs for working families. This legislation is a threat to Connecticut families. It’s outrageous that Connecticut Republicans refuse to speak out against yet another attack on our residents from their national GOP colleagues.”

Here is a look at a few of the ways Connecticut residents will suffer under the Cassidy-Graham-Heller bill:

  • Ends the ACA’s Medicaid expansion, which covers 216,900 Connecticut residents. 
  • Cancels tax credits that help 75,628 families – 77 percent of Connecticut’s marketplace enrollees – afford health insurance.
  • Eliminates subsidies that reduce out-of-pocket costs for 42,937 Connecticut residents, which is 44 percent of the total marketplace enrollees in Connecticut.
  • Slashes billions in federal funding to states for expanding health insurance coverage and lowering costs.