July 2, 2018/Press Releases

Trickle Down Chaos: Party of Trump is Just as Chaotic in Connecticut

Hartford, CT – Republicans certainly haven’t been pulling any punches in their fight to be the Republican nominee for Governor. From Twitter fights, to investigations, to doing backflips to defend the Trump administration’s policy of separating children at the border, Republicans have had a tough few weeks.

  • Republicans took days to respond to the humanitarian crisis at the border and all they could come up with were a few sentence long prepared statements.
  • Boughton, Herbst, and Stefanowski all got in a twitter fight, which is very reminiscent of another notable Republican, Donald Trump.
  • Steve Obsitnik’s campaign is under scrutiny for collaborating with an independent expenditure, with his opponent Mark Boughton calling his actions “puzzling.” Obsitnik’s campaign is currently considering a “Plan B.”
  • David Stemerman also has a complaint, filed by a delegate for Tim Herbst, for using out of state petitioners to get on the ballot.
  • And it came out that Tankin’ Dave’s “world class” hedge fund holdings shrank before he ran for Governor, with one source calling him “no Tom Steyer.”

“All in all, it was a tough month to be a Republican,” said Connecticut Democratic Party spokesperson Christina Polizzi. “With Donald Trump leading their Party, we’re willing to bet July will be just as chaotic. Republicans are more focused on digging up dirt and tweeting at each other than they are on improving the lives of Connecticut residents. It’s no wonder they have no plans to protect Roe v. Wade, prevent gun violence, or to stand up for the over one million Connecticut residents with pre-existing conditions.”