February 3, 2022/Media, Press Releases

Bob Stefanowski Opposes Plan to Cut Property Taxes


(HARTFORD) Yesterday, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski opposed cutting property taxes for millions of Connecticut residents. Connecticut residents have always known that Stefanowski stands with Donald Trump, he is against having any kind of minimum wage, and profited off selling bogus loans with astronomically high interest rates to vulnerable Americans as a predatory payday lender.Now, he’s opposed to cutting property taxes. Really.Why? Political opportunism.
Governor Lamont, through strong fiscal management, has turned Connecticut around. Now he’s cutting taxes for millions of homeowners, car owners, and renters. Stefanowski’s economic plan for Connecticut would raise property taxes, slash money for public schools, and cut healthcare for people who need it most. Here’s how.Governor Lamont’s Plan for Cutting Property Taxes for Millions of Residents

  • Gov. Lamont proposed $336 million in tax cuts, including: 
  • Property tax credits for over one million people
  • A lower car tax rate on 1.7 million vehicles by capping the mill rate
  • Tax cuts for 250,000 retirees and 32,000 students.
  • A plan that touches every corner of the state and benefits the middle class by lowering costs and putting money back in residents’ pockets.

Bob Stefanowski’s Plan for Raising Property Taxes for Millions of Residents

  • Former payday loan specialist Bob Stefanowski has proposed eliminating the income tax altogether in an extreme Kansas-style economic scheme.
  • Stefanowski’s plan would cut the state budget by more than 60%.
  • That would result in property tax increases in 169 of 169 towns
  • While Governor Lamont’s plan would cut taxes for the middle class, Bob Stefanowski’s extreme plan to eliminate the income tax would give the top 400 families alone — or just 0.025% of the state, more than $1.3 billion in tax breaks annually.
  • As property taxes would rise, massive cuts would occur. More than $1 billion would be cut from schools, 8,600 teachers would be laid off, veterans would see benefits cut, tuition would increase, the state would default on debt payments, and more.
  • Big cities like Hartford and New Haven would see rises like 126% and 116% respectively. In 2018, Mayors from across the state condemned his plan because it would drastically cut aid to towns and cities and cut services that middle-class families rely on.

“Bob Stefanowski is tying himself in knots opposing Governor Lamont’s plan for meaningful tax relief for millions of people. Yesterday, Stefanowski put himself on the wrong side of lasting tax relief for the middle class. Bob’s political gymnastics and posturing is to be expected from someone with an extreme economic plan that would result in laying off teachers, slashing basic services, and massive tax increases. The takeaway is pretty clear: Governor Lamont wants to cut property taxes for the middle class and Bob Stefanowski wants to raise them,” CT Democratic Chair Nancy DiNardo said.