August 3, 2017 / Press Releases

Rep. Tong, Chairman Balletto Statements On GOP Fundraiser Featuring Michelle Malkin

"As Connecticut’s first Asian American legislator, I am particularly offended that the Connecticut GOP has invited Ms. Malkin to speak because of her hateful views in defense of Japanese internment, as set forth in her book 'In Defense of Internment.'  I do not understand how the Connecticut Republican Party embraces and defends the imprisonment of American citizens in concentration camps on American soil, which, I will readily acknowledge, was perpetrated by Democrats in that age.  But at least most of us have the good sense and judgment to be ashamed of it. This is an obvious offense, not just to Asian Pacific Americans across our state, Republican or Democrat, but to all people."

July 14, 2017 / News

Malloy To GOP: ‘Take a position. Be held accountable’

"Either you want to destroy Medicaid in America, or you want to stand with people’s health care. Either you want to destroy Medicaid and other health programs so you can give a gigantic tax reduction to the wealthiest 0.2 percent of our population, or you care about health care and the citizens of your state.”

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