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April 5, 2018 / Press Releases

#TBT: Front Running Peter Lumaj Thinks Trump’s Presidency is a Huge Success

Hartford, CT - At last night’s debate Peter Lumaj said he “couldn’t wait” to vote for Trump in 2020. A few weeks ago on Face the State Peter Lumaj said “everything President Trump has done has been a success.” Donald Trump has managed to get a few things done while in office, and most of them have been disastrous for the middle class, immigrants, and for Connecticut

April 5, 2018 / Media

Democratic State Party Chair on Republicans’ Respect for the Judiciary

Hartford, CT - Connecticut Democratic Party Chairman Nick Balletto released the following statement on Governor Malloy’s comments on judicial nominations:
“Governor Malloy was right about the gravity of this issue and the dangers of Connecticut Republican response to the judiciary. Republican gubernatorial candidates have made it perfectly clear they have no respect for the rule of law.

April 5, 2018 / Press Releases

Democratic State Party Chair Nick Balletto Statement on Tonight’s GOP Debate

Hartford, CT - After tonight’s Republican gubernatorial debate, Chairman Balletto released the following statement:
“All Republicans proved tonight is that they are incapable of laying out concrete plans for how to move the state of Connecticut forward but have plenty of insults to lob at one another. As they fight on stage over who is more electable by virtue of proximity to Donald Trump, Democrats will remain focused on issues that matter to Connecticut like gun violence prevention and worker protections.

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