October 11, 2016/News
CT Republican Chairman Still Defending Indefensible
CT Dems’ Reaction: “The Courant is absolutely right to call J.R. Romano out for continuing to defend Donald Trump not just for his most recent comments, but throughout his despicable campaign. We also believe, however, that the reaction of House GOP Leader and Trump delegate Themis Klarides has been utterly insufficient on behalf of the 64 members of the caucus she leads. She said that, in light of Trump’s taped admission of sexual assault, she would have to ‘reevaluate’ her support for him. What could there possibly be to reevaluate? This man is simply unfit to serve as president. The Connecticut Republicans who have failed to disavow Trump are now stuck with him.” – Connecticut Democratic Party Deputy Executive Director Alynn Woischke
Hartford Courant Editorial: CT Republican Chairman Still Defending Indefensible
A lewd video of Donald Trump bragging about groping women has prompted some Republican leaders in Connecticut to back away from supporting him. To those who haven’t yet: What are you waiting for?
Until the video was leaked last week, some Republicans had stuck by him even though the GOP presidential nominee had disparaged women, veterans, minorities, religious groups and the disabled. But his vulgar gloating in the 2005 “Access Hollywood” video about grabbing women’s crotches may have pushed Connecticut’s House Republican leader Themis Klarides over the line. “I don’t see how I could vote for him,” she said.