September 5, 2017/News

On DACA, CT GOP leaders are once again MIA

It has been five days since Fox News first reported that Donald Trump would end DACA, and it has been six hours since Jeff Sessions spewed lies and anti-immigrant hatred in the official announcement.

Question: When will Themis Klarides and Len Fasano make up their minds on whether they stand with their party leader or with the thousands of Connecticut DREAMers who have benefited from DACA?

Answer: Never. Chairman J.R. Romano and the extreme right-wing leadership of the Connecticut Republican Party will continue to tell them to hold off on offending “their Trump voters.”

We can assure you that they will make up excuses that they can’t chew gum and stand up against racism at the same time. Senator Fasano will continue to look for reasons to vote against a fair and just society. And they will continue to eviscerate the tradition of the moderate Connecticut Republican party that they claim still exists (REALITY CHECK: with this current leadership, that party is long gone and it is truly the Party of Trump).

Since the Connecticut Republican Party has shown itself to be unable and unwilling to stand up to Trump, even when he directly attacks Connecticut residents, Democrats propose that they include the following planks in their party platform next year:

We will never ever ever condemn Donald Trump because he is the leader of our party, and we voted for him and the promises that he laid out during his racist, sexist, and bigoted campaign.

Please don’t ask us to defend the voiceless or those in need of empathy and care, because frankly we don’t care enough about the 10,000 immigrants, in our neighborhoods and the communities we represent, to raise our voice at all.