September 30, 2022/Press Releases

Throwback: Bob Stefanowski Was Endorsed by Far-Right CCDL, Now Trying to Overturn Connecticut’s Assault Weapons Ban

Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL), who endorsed Bob Stefanowski in 2018, filed a lawsuit today challenging Connecticut’s assault weapons ban. The lawsuit was written by Republican State Representatives and Stefanowski supporters Doug Dubitsky and Craig Fishbein.

In its 2018 endorsement, CCDL said of Stefanowski: “Connecticut gun owners are fortunate to have ended up with a candidate for governor who has shown this level of support for the issues that matter most to us.”

The Connecticut General Assembly expanded gun laws after the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting of 20 children and six teachers and staff members in 2012.  The law, passed with bipartisan support in 2013, bans the sale of high-capacity magazines, expands the list of guns banned from being sold, and authorizes up to $15 million in grants for school safety projects.

Bob Stefanowski has supported repealing the law, now also challenged in court by CCDL, which seeks to overturn bringing assault weapons, weapons of war, back to the communities of Connecticut.

Why does Bob Stefanowski continue to align himself with groups and legislators who want to overturn gun laws that keep our communities and schools safe? He called gun-free zones “a bad thing” and said he would “veto any legislation that makes it tougher on gun owners.”

Stefanowski received the highest rating from the NRA, but never released his answers to the NRA questionnaire that earned that rating. What did he promise the NRA? 

“In the Army, I served as an infantry officer for four years and carried an assault weapon. I know there is no place for these devastating weapons of war on the streets of Connecticut. Thank you to Governor Ned Lamont and Attorney General William Tong for supporting and defending Connecticut’s gun violence prevention laws to keep our state and our communities safe,” said Tim Gavin, Democratic candidate for State Senate in the 28th district.

“Bob Stefanowski continues to prove he is too dangerous and extreme for Connecticut. He and his CCDL allies and Republican legislators are attempting to overturn the Sandy Hook law that banned assault weapons and bring weapons of war back to the communities of Connecticut. Where does Bob Stefanowski stand on this lawsuit? Connecticut families deserve to know,” said Lauren Gray, spokeswoman for Connecticut Democrats. “Governor Lamont has prioritized keeping our kids, schools, and teachers safe through common sense gun safety legislation and funding for school safety. There’s only one candidate who wants to keep Connecticut safe and that’s Governor Ned Lamont.”