September 19, 2018 / Press Releases
We Know What Stefanowski’s Tax Scheme Would Do–Even if Republicans Don’t
Hartford, CT - Down ballot Republicans seem confused about Bob Stefanowski’s Trump-like tax experiment:
September 17, 2018 / Press Releases
ICYMI: Courant Editorial: Bob Stefanowski’s Tax-Cut Promise Needs Details
Bob, it’s time to tell us where you’re going to find the $10 billion. Either that — or stop running around telling the voters of Connecticut you’re going to make the income tax go away if you become governor.
September 17, 2018 / Press Releases
Democratic Leaders call on Stefanowski to Condemn Trump’s Maria Comments
Hartford, CT - President Trump has claimed that nearly 3,000 Americans “did not die” in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Despite the heartbreaking new official report, President Trump denied the true death toll outright, displaying a moral depravity we’ve never seen from a president.
September 14, 2018 / Press Releases
Trump and Stefanowski Have the Same Health Care Agenda
Hartford, CT - Across the country, Americans are rightly concerned about their health care as Republicans attempt to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Rolling back access to coverage is central to today’s GOP agenda.