September 12, 2018 / Press Releases
NEW AUDIO: Stefanowski Celebrates Trump’s Economy–Again
Hartford, CT - On WTIC radio yesterday, after being asked about aligning himself with the President, Stefanowski praised Trump...YET AGAIN.
Hartford, CT - On WTIC radio yesterday, after being asked about aligning himself with the President, Stefanowski praised Trump...YET AGAIN.
Hartford, CT - Donald Trump’s tax plan has cost Connecticut taxpayers billions of dollars by capping SALT deductions. What did Stefanowski have to say about that? It’s abundantly clear that he supports Trump’s tax policies to benefit the 1%...even though they hurt Connecticut’s middle-class families.
Hartford, CT - Bob Stefanowski refused to attend last night’s first gubernatorial debate. With just under nine weeks until Election Day--why won’t he answer basic questions? Maybe because he knows his phony tax experiment would raise property taxes, gut education, and undercut job growth.
Hartford, CT - Today, arguments begin in Texas in a lawsuit that could threaten coverage for pre-existing conditions. While Connecticut has joined the lawsuit to protect our care and ensure coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, the Republican gubernatorial ticket wants to end it.
Hartford, CT – Over Labor Day weekend, Bob Stefanowski made it clear he doesn’t respect the work people do enough to support fair compensation.
In an unprecedented show of unity and strength, CT Dems have held weekly rallies with a stage full of candidates speaking to voters about their plan for the future and the importance of voting in this election.
Hartford, CT - This morning, Democratic women leaders from across the state joined together to speak out against Secretary of Education Betsy Devos’ new proposal on college sexual misconduct and a CT GOP ticket that opposes “yes means yes.”