Media Center

March 8, 2018 / Media

Tim Herbst Defends the NRA

Hartford, CT - You read that correctly. This morning Tim Herbst sent out a press release standing up for the NRA after Governor Dannel Malloy made comments calling out the NRA for dismantling and obstructing gun violence prevention legislation. Tim Herbst has notably dodged questions about how he would address gun violence as Governor and is now making it clear the only issue he’s willing to take a stand for is one defending the NRA.

March 7, 2018 / Press Releases

DNC Announces Connecticut As Grant Recipient

Hartford, CT - Today the Democratic National Committee announced Connecticut as a recipient of a grant from the State Party Innovation Fund (SPIF), a first-of-its-kind, competitive grant program that incentivizes early organizing through state parties and supports efforts to engage local communities. The Connecticut Democratic Party will receive $50,000, which will be used to modernize the state party’s training and organizing efforts including implementing a historic training program that will support Democratic candidates, local party officials, and campaigns, helping elect Democrats up and down the ticket in 2018.

February 28, 2018 / Media

CT Dems’ House District Flip is National News

Hartford, CT - Last night’s historic win in Stratford has made national headlines. Over the last few weeks, grassroots energy poured into Connecticut’s 120th district and Phil Young’s campaign and last night we saw the results of those efforts. Connecticut voters rejected Trump’s playbook of scare tactics and those of the leadership in the Connecticut Republican Party. It’s clear, nationally and in Connecticut, that Democrats have the energy and momentum to fight back. This started with the Democrats flipping 22 towns in November 2017, and continued with last night’s results.

February 28, 2018 / Press Releases

Statement from CT Dem Party Chair Nick Balletto on Tonight’s Special Election in Stratford

Hartford, CT - After tonight’s special election in Stratford, Chairman Balletto released the following statement:
“Congratulations to Phil Young and his entire team on this landmark victory. This is a historic win for Democrats in Connecticut. The 120th district has been a Republican stronghold for four decades, and tonight Democratic voters proved they’re ready for a change.

February 24, 2018 / Press Releases

Questions for Mark Boughton: Labor

Hartford, CT - A lot of issues that affect the Connecticut workforce didn’t come up at the GOP debate on Wednesday night and the last time Mark Boughton was forced to take a stance on policies that help middle class workers like paid sick leave and the minimum wage, it was before the end of his second failed gubernatorial bid in 2014. Since we haven’t heard from him recently on these quality of life issues in Connecticut, we want to know where does Mark Boughton stand on issues that matter to residents across Connecticut?

February 24, 2018 / Press Releases

Questions for Erin Stewart: Labor

Hartford, CT - After Governor Malloy’s final state of the state address, which focused on improvements for middle class families like a higher minimum wage, paid sick leave, and closing the wage gap, Erin Stewart tweeted that the Governor “did not mention one thing about the state of our state.” Erin Stewart may not consider these pro-worker policies relevant to the state of Connecticut, but where does she stand on them?

February 22, 2018 / Press Releases

Questions for Erin Stewart

Hartford, CT – Erin Stewart didn’t qualify for last night’s GOP debate, and while she was following and posting her thoughts on twitter, we would like to clear up where she stands on policy issues. Erin Stewart has been vague if not completely devoid of substance in all of her “on the record” statements or public pronouncements regarding gun safety, despite having every opportunity to announce meaningful steps to combat gun violence.

February 22, 2018 / Press Releases

Connecticut Democrats Respond to Third GOP Gubernatorial Debate

Hartford, CT - After tonight’s GOP debate, Chairman Nick Balletto released the following statement: “The Republican debate tonight showed that Republicans are out of touch with Connecticut voters and that no candidate, on stage or off stage, has the courage to distinguish themselves as a leader. Candidate after candidate stood up to share nothing but empty rhetoric with no idea for how they would lead as Governor."

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