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April 2, 2018 / Press Releases

Chairman Balletto Statement on Representative Esty’s Decision

Hartford, CT - After Congresswoman Esty’s decision not to seek re-election, Connecticut Democratic Party Chair Nick Balletto released the following statement:
“Over the last few days, I have been in touch with Congresswoman Esty, our party leaders, and the activists that are on the front line fighting for issues that we all care about. As a result of these discussions, I believe this was ultimately the best decision for her and for her constituents.

March 28, 2018 / Press Releases

Will Republican Gubernatorial Candidates Embrace Mitch McConnell As Len Fasano Has?

Hartford, CT - Yesterday, the Senate Republican caucus voted to block Justice McDonald in a purely political stunt, the nature of which has never been seen in the Connecticut legislature before. Editorials from across the state, including the Hartford Courant and the Day, call out Republicans for exactly what this was: blocking a qualified judge for purely political reasons.

March 27, 2018 / Press Releases

Connecticut Democratic Party Communications Director Statement on Republican Senate Caucus

Hartford, CT - Today, the Republican Senate caucus unanimously voted against Justice McDonald’s nomination. Connecticut Democratic Party Communications Director Christina Polizzi released the following statement:
“There can be no more uncertainty. Connecticut Republicans, by taking a purely partisan caucus position of blocking this nomination, have fully aligned themselves with the tactics of the radical, right wing, party of Trump. They are politicizing the bench in an attempt to score cheap political points and setting a dangerous precedent for the state of Connecticut. Anyone who cannot draw the parallels between Len Fasano and Mitch McConnell is not looking closely enough--this was a calculated effort to block a qualified judge with purely political motives.

March 27, 2018 / Press Releases

Connecticut Democratic Party Chair Nick Balletto Statement on Justice McDonald

Hartford, CT - As the Senate Republican caucus votes to block Justice McDonald’s nomination, Democratic State Party Chair Nick Balletto released the following statement:
“Justice McDonald is an extremely qualified judge who received bipartisan support from lawyers across the state and was overwhelmingly confirmed by the legislative body in 2012. There can be no doubt that the Republican Senate caucus was moved to block this confirmation by a purely political agenda.

March 24, 2018 / Press Releases

Democrats Support March for Our Lives While Republicans Stay Silent

Hartford, CT - Tens of thousands of students, parents, teachers, and supporters of commonsense gun legislation rallied and marched around the country, including nearly 10,000 in Connecticut’s capital. Democratic candidates and elected officials are supporting the students who organized and marched against the NRA and for measures to keep them safe.

March 24, 2018 / Press Releases

Statement from Connecticut Democratic Party Chair Nick Balletto on March for Our Lives

Hartford, CT - Today, thousands of people attended March for Our Lives events in Connecticut and across the country. Connecticut State Party Chairman Nick Balletto released the following statement:
“I am in awe of the students who organized and marched today, and proud that Democratic elected officials chose to march with them. Nearly 10,000 people gathered in Hartford today, with more marches across Connecticut and across the country asking leaders for legislation that will prevent further gun violence, amid an epidemic of school shootings. The activism of students who have turned grief and fear into action is inspiring and deserving of our full support. Gun violence is a personal issue to Connecticut, and I thank everyone who has courageously shared their stories and let our politicians know that enough is enough. I am proud to stand with the victims of gun violence, teachers, students, parents, and voters who are asking for legislation that will keep us safe.

March 23, 2018 / Press Releases

#TBT: Tim Herbst Cuts Teacher’s Benefits After Giving Himself a Raise

Hartford, CT - As First Selectman of Trumbull in 2016, Tim Herbst rolled back Trumbull teacher’s benefits to save money in Trumbull’s budget, but not before receiving a 22% raise in 2014. By cutting teacher’s benefits, Herbst was violating a collective bargaining agreement made between the Trumbull Education Association and the Trumbull Board of Education. Herbst’s budget reduction also caused over 80 non-tenured teachers to be fired. Before Tim Herbst resorted to cutting benefits and laying off teachers, did he offer to give back his raise to the town’s budget?

March 15, 2018 / Media

ICYMI: Tim Herbst Wants CT to Have a ‘Wisconsin Moment’

Hartford, CT - Tim Herbst wants to run Connecticut like Scott Walker. Taking his cues from Tom Foley, the last unsuccessful Republican gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut, Tim Herbst has been referencing Scott Walker as a frame of reference for how he would like to lead the state.

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