August 6, 2018 / Press Releases

CCDL Fighting for Untraceable Guns–and the GOP Continues to Pander

Hartford, CT - As America watches in shock as 3-D gun blueprints come online, here at home the Connecticut Citizens Defense League has made its position on these untraceable guns clear: embrace them, or lose the group’s support. New 3-D printed guns could soon hit the streets, evading common-sense laws designed to ensure public safety. Yet, the GOP candidates won’t speak out against them and continue to pander to the gun lobby. And that puts Connecticut residents at risk.

July 23, 2018 / Press Releases

Do the Numbers Add Up for Boughton

Hartford, CT - News today showed that Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Boughton may be ahead in a new online poll…the question is...
Is that because he’s out talking about a bogus plan to eliminate the income tax? Maybe.

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