June 20, 2018 / Press Releases

Statement from Democratic Party Communication Director on Sue Hatfield’s Support of Trump’s Immigration Policy

Hartford, CT - After Sue Hatfield announced she supports Donald Trump’s policy to separate children from their families at the border, Connecticut Democratic Party Communications Director Christina Polizzi released the following statement:

“This is what the Republican Party stands for now. Any candidate who endorses and condones the inhumane and cruel treatment of children has no place as Connecticut’s Attorney General.”

June 13, 2018 / Press Releases

Democrats Are Fighting for Health Care While Republicans Are Silent

Hartford, CT - This afternoon, Senator Chris Murphy fought for health care on the floor of the United State Senate after President Trump’s administration announced they would not protect the provision of the ACA that ensures coverage for pre-existing conditions. As Democrats in the state of Connecticut continue to fight for health care for over one million Connecticut residents who have pre-existing conditions, Republicans are silent.

June 13, 2018 / Multimedia

VIDEO: Republicans Welcome Trump to Connecticut

Watch Connecticut Republican gubernatorial candidates enthusiastically welcome Donald Trump to the state. Connecticut needs leaders who will stand up to Donald Trump’s abusive rhetoric and dangerous agenda, not cower behind national Republican leaders in exchange for a

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